The Nantucket Atheneum is pleased to offer Community Service opportunities in cooperation with the Nantucket High School Guidance Department. Participants must be students at Nantucket High School and members of the Atheneum’s Teen Advisory Board. Community Service hours are earned for actively participating in Teen Advisory Board meetings and for library projects and teen programs that emanate from those meetings. Possible other opportunities include repairing library materials, shelving books, assembling new patron packets, or helping with children’s programs.

Programs for teens at the Atheneum are developed with the suggestions and fresh perspective of our Teen Advisory Board, which meets once per month during the school year.  Participating teens have the opportunity to earn community service hours for their active involvement on the board.

Local and visiting teens currently participate in a range of workshops, classes and performance events, for example: Makerspace for Teens, 3D Printing Workshop, Teen Yoga, Sewing, and Teen Improv. In addition, the Young Adult staff organizes visiting artist and connected learning opportunities for our teen patrons.

To apply for membership on the Teen Advisory Board, please contact using the form below or email us at teens@nantucketatheneum.org for more information.