If you wish to support Turkey Plunge, you can make a donation of any amount.
If you would like to see your name or logo on the Turkey Plunge t-shirts, you can become a sponsor. Sponsorship opportunities start at a $500 gift.TURKEY PLUNGE | SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES
All Sponsors Receive:
- Business listing on Turkey Plunge t-shirt (distributed to $1,000+ participants.)
- Annual Report and program listing.
- Recognition on Social Media Platforms.
- Public recognition at the event (With over 1,000 attendees.)
$10,000 *
*Additional benefits received for lead sponsor levels.
- T-Shirt Sponsor!
- Name recognition on plaque in Weezie Library.
- Day of representation (Ability to customize this exposure opportunity.)
$5,000 *
*Additional benefits received for lead sponsor levels.
- Public recognition in a promotional video with distribution to over 10,000 viewers.
- Annual report listing and website recognition.
- Recognition on social media platforms and in electronic and print advertising.
- Business listing and logo on plunge t-shirt.
- Recognition on the Turkey Plunge website.
- Registration fee and t-shirts for four participants.
- Custom lawn sign with business name to be displayed in Atheneum Garden.
- Business listing on plunge t-shirt (distributed to 1,000+ participants)
- Registration fee for two plungers
- 23rd anniversary t-shirt for two plungers
“A good library will never be too neat, or too dusty, because somebody will always be in it, taking books off the shelves and staying up late reading them.”
Lemony Snicket