The Library distributes overdue notices by email and text message.  Failure to receive an overdue notice does not exempt a library card holder from responsibility for overdue fines.

If fines exceed $25.00, borrowing privileges will be suspended until fines are reduced below the $25.00 limit.

Material Loan Periods Fines Maximum Fines
Books 14 days** $.10/day $3.00 adults
$1.00 children
Videos/DVDs 7 days** $1/day $3.00 adults and children
Audio (cassette, CD & play-away) 14 days** $.10/day $3.00 adults
$1.00 children
Magazines 14 days $.10/day $3.00 adults
$1.00 children
Computer Games 14 days $1/day $3.00 adults and children
ILL – Interlibrary loan 28 days $1.00/day replacement cost is $75 w/ $5 processing added
ComCAT Loan 8 days $1.00/day replacement cost is $75 w/ $5 processing added

**At least 14 days for items that have other holds on them.  See Automatic Renewals for more information on how long a book can he checked out.

Note: You may also be charged repair or replacement costs if you lose or damage library materials.