(for pre-readers)
Read and Play kits are designed for a grownup and a child to explore a theme and have fun together.
Use the contents of the bags in ways that best suit your child’s play and learning.
Each bag contains a set of books and companion games, puzzles, or toys.
When young children READ, WRITE, TALK, PLAY, and SING with their grownups, they are getting ready to learn to read.
(ages 5-8)
Checkout STEM was created to expand access to research-based literacy and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) experiences for K-3 children and their families. Checkout STEM kits are designed to support the development of literacy and STEM skills.
The objectives identified for Checkout STEM kits are as follows:
- Develop foundational understandings in key STEM concepts.
- Develop and extend foundational literacy skills.
- Experience the joy of learning by participating in learning experiences that are supportive, creative, challenging, and fun.
The Atheneum has an outdoor chess/checker table in our garden.
This beautiful table with benches was a generous gift from Judy and John Belash to the Atheneum and our community.
We have game pieces and an electronic timer to borrow with your library card.
Please ask for the chess set at the Main Circulation Desk inside our front door.
Patrons can now borrow up to two board games at a time for two weeks. This free service is currently available at the Weezie Library desk by following these steps:
- Place your board game(s) on hold by using the links in the game list below or by phoning the Weezie Library desk at (508) 228-1110 ext. 103.
- When your game is ready for pickup, we will notify you by email and hold it at the main circulation desk under the name on the library card used.
- When your game is due, please return it to any desk inside the library. Please do not leave games in the book drop.
Sorry! 2-4 players, ages 6+. Based on the ancient Indian cross and circle game, Pachisi, players move their pieces around the board, attempting to get them all “home” first.
Mystery Date 2-4 players, ages 8+. Acquire a desirable date while avoiding the “dud!” Assemble an outfit that must match the date’s outfit at the “mystery door.”
Chutes and Ladders 2-4 players, ages 4+. Scramble to the top of the gameboard without slip-sliding down! The first player to reach the 100 square wins!
Game of Scattergories 2-6 players, ages 10+. The objective is to earn the most points by making a list of words that all begin with the same letter.
Monopoly 2-8 players, ages 8+. A real-estate board game. The goal is to remain financially solvent while forcing opponents into bankruptcy by buying and developing pieces of property. The last player remaining on the board wins.
Clue 2-6 players, ages 8+. Players move from room to room through a mansion, solving the mystery of who did it, with what, and where?
Scrabble 2-4 players, ages 8+. Players compete in forming words with lettered tiles on a 225-square board.
Candy Land 2-4 players, ages 3+. Players explore a world made of candy as they draw cards that direct movement. The first one to the end wins!
Yahtzee 2+ players, ages 8+. A dice game based on Poker in which players roll certain combinations of numbers with five dice. Different combinations give different scores.
All you need is your library card to check out our Orion StarBlast telescope to use in your backyard!
The telescope was generously donated to the Nantucket Atheneum in memory of John and Claire Wall by their children, with thanks to Karen Wall. The telescope is maintained by the Aldrich Astronomical Society Inc. (AAS) as part of their Library Telescope Program. The AAS, founded in 1932, is one of the oldest astronomy clubs in the United States.
The Orion StarBlast telescope is very simply designed, comes with instructions, and sits comfortably on a table.
If you are at least 18 years old with a CLAMS card, you can check out the Orion StarBlast telescope for ONE week. The kit contains a manual, constellation guide, compass, and headlamp. Telescopes can be reserved but not renewed.
Stop by the Reference Desk for more information. Call (508)228-1110 ext 110 to request being put on the waiting list.