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By Lincoln Thurber
Atheneum Reference Librarian

For kids, summer is a time for play, the beach, and relaxation; but it can be the perfect time for inquisitive exploration through new learning.
While kids are take a break from structured school work over the summer (and we know that’s important too), they also can lose a portion of the learning they gained during the past school year. Summer learning loss—a.k.a. the “summer slide”.  However, that slide need not happen!

The Atheneum has access to many databases provided by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and  Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners and is funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, a federal agency.  Two of these updated tools are the Britannica Library and its spanish language counterpart Britannica Escolar. Both give our library three levels of information: Children (Primaria), Young Adults (Secundaria); and the Reference Center for older students and adults. Patrons can choose the age-appropriate level that works best for them; and will find it easy to conduct research and work on special projects.  The content is well organised, reliable, and just what parents would want their kids to be using for independent study.

But, while the Britannica tools are helpful for structured assignments they can also provide a ready sources for quicks read, age appropriate articles to spark young minds during the summer.  After a trip to the beach use Britannica to find out more about the Atlantic ocean, about the Cod fish, or even how our sandy beaches are formed.  A trip to town might inspire the question, “Where is a New Zealand where this sweater was made” or “what is the significance of Tibetan prayer ribbons, I saw in the bookshop?”

The power of Britannica is its quality of content.  Britannica has subjects experts and well known scholars producing their articles, create their maps and providing video content.  This content is often unique; content often not found outside of Britannica.

So check-out Britannica Library and Britannica Escolar , from the Database Page  they are a great set of resources to have available young minds during the summer.

Remember, you can use Britannica all summer long!