Access the Library from Home
If the library is closed or you are unable to visit, remember our digital services are available 24/7 on your computer, tablet, or mobile device. You can download e-books and audio books, checkout digital magazines, and stream TV and movies. You can access the catalog to view your account, renew materials, and place holds. Many of our online learning resources and databases can be accessed from your home as well. All you need is your library card number and PIN.
Frequently Asked Questions
How I access the services?
Log into the catalog. Enter your library card number and PIN.
Lost your library card?
Check to see if you still have an email or paper due date slip from the library. Your library card number is included there.
If you do not have a library card you may register for a 30-day temporary CLAMS eCard that will grant you access to Overdrive, one of our largest eBook and audiobook collections.
Forgot your PIN?
The PIN is usually the last four digits of your card number. Reset your PIN number.
I need help accessing services
If you cannot access your library card or PIN numbers, please contact to request your account information.
At this time we have limited access to our systems so this process may take longer than usual. We thank you for your patience.